
Prompt the transport to perform work such as idle-timeout/heartbeat handling, and return an absolute deadline in milliseconds that tick must again be called by/at, based on the provided current time in milliseconds, to ensure the periodic work is carried out as necessary.

A returned deadline of 0 indicates there is no periodic work necessitating tick be called, e.g. because neither peer has defined an idle-timeout value.

The provided milliseconds time values can be from {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} or derived from {@link System#nanoTime()}, noting that for the later in particular that the returned deadline could be a different sign than the given time, and (if non-zero) the returned deadline should have the current time originally provided subtracted from it in order to establish a relative time delay to the next deadline.

@param nowMillis the current time in milliseconds @return the absolute deadline in milliseconds to next call tick by/at, or 0 if there is none.

interface Transport
