1 /*
2  * hunt-proton: AMQP Protocol library for D programming language.
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 HuntLabs
5  *
6  * Website: https://www.huntlabs.net/
7  *
8  * Licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.
9  *
10  */
12 module hunt.proton.engine.Reactor;
14 //import java.io.IOException;
15 //import java.util.Set;
16 import hunt.proton.engine.ReactorChild;
17 import hunt.proton.engine.BaseHandler;
18 import hunt.proton.engine.Collector;
19 import hunt.proton.engine.Connection;
20 import hunt.proton.engine.Event;
21 import hunt.proton.engine.Handler;
22 import hunt.proton.engine.HandlerException;
23 import hunt.proton.engine.Record;
24 //import hunt.proton.reactor.ReactorOptions;
25 //import hunt.proton.reactor.impl.ReactorImpl;
26 import hunt.collection.Set;
27 import hunt.proton.engine.Task;
28 import hunt.proton.engine.Selectable;
29 import hunt.String;
31 /**
32  * The proton reactor provides a general purpose event processing
33  * library for writing reactive programs. A reactive program is defined
34  * by a set of event handlers. An event handler is just any class or
35  * object that extends the Handler interface. For convenience, a class
36  * can extend {@link BaseHandler} and only handle the events that it cares to
37  * implement methods for.
38  * <p>
39  * This class is not thread safe (with the exception of the {@link #wakeup()}
40  * method) and should only be used by a single thread at any given time.
41  */
42 interface Reactor {
44     class Factory
45     {
46         //public static Reactor create() {
47         //    return new ReactorImpl();
48         //}
49         //
50         //public static Reactor create(ReactorOptions options) {
51         //    return new ReactorImpl(options);
52         //}
53     }
55     /**
56      * Updates the last time that the reactor's state has changed, potentially
57      * resulting in events being generated.
58      * @return the current time in milliseconds
59      *         {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}.
60      */
61     long mark();
63     /** @return the last time that {@link #mark()} was called. */
64     long now();
66     /** @return an instance of {@link Record} that can be used to associate
67      *          other objects (attachments) with this instance of the
68      *          Reactor class.
69      */
70     Record attachments();
72     /**
73      * The value the reactor will use for {@link Selector#select(long)} that is called as part of {@link #process()}.
74      *
75      * @param timeout a timeout value in milliseconds, to associate with this instance of
76      *        the reactor.  This can be retrieved using the
77      *        {@link #getTimeout()} method
78      */
79     void setTimeout(long timeout);
81     /**
82      * @return the value previously set using {@link #setTimeout(long)} or
83      *         0 if no previous value has been set.
84      */
85     long getTimeout();
87     /**
88      * @return the global handler for this reactor.  Every event the reactor
89      *         sees is dispatched to the global handler.  To receive every
90      *         event generated by the reactor, associate a child handler
91      *         with the global handler.  For example:
92      *         <pre>
93      *            getGlobalHandler().add(yourHandler);
94      *         </pre>
95      */
96     Handler getGlobalHandler();
98     /**
99      * Sets a new global handler.  You probably don't want to do this and
100      * would be better adding a handler to the value returned by the
101      * {{@link #getGlobalHandler()} method.
102      * @param handler the new global handler.
103      */
104     void setGlobalHandler(Handler handler);
106     /**
107      * @return the handler for this reactor.  Every event the reactor sees,
108      *         which is not handled by a child of the reactor (such as a
109      *         timer, connection, acceptor, or selector) is passed to this
110      *         handler.  To receive these events, it is recommend that you
111      *         associate a child handler with the handler returned by this
112      *         method.  For example:
113      *         <pre>
114      *           getHandler().add(yourHandler);
115      *         </pre>
116      */
117     Handler getHandler();
119     /**
120      * Sets a new handler, that will receive any events not handled by a child
121      * of the reactor.  Note that setting a handler via this method replaces
122      * the previous handler, and will result in no further events being
123      * dispatched to the child handlers associated with the previous handler.
124      * For this reason it is recommended that you do not use this method and
125      * instead add child handlers to the value returned by the
126      * {@link #getHandler()} method.
127      * @param handler the new handler for this reactor.
128      */
129     void setHandler(Handler handler);
131     /**
132      * @return a set containing the child objects associated with this reactor.
133      *         This will contain any active instances of: {@link Task} -
134      *         created using the {@link #schedule(int, Handler)} method,
135      *         {@link Connection} - created using the
136      *         {@link #connectionToHost(String, int, Handler)} method,
137      *         {@link Acceptor} - created using the
138      *         {@link #acceptor(String, int)} method,
139      *         {@link #acceptor(String, int, Handler)} method, or
140      *         {@link Selectable} - created using the
141      *         {@link #selectable()} method.
142      */
143     Set!ReactorChild children();
145     /**
146      * @return the Collector used to gather events generated by this reactor.
147      */
148     Collector collector();
150     /**
151      * Creates a new <code>Selectable</code> as a child of this reactor.
152      * @return the newly created <code>Selectable</code>.
153      */
154     Selectable selectable();
156     /**
157      * Updates the specified <code>Selectable</code> either emitting a
158      * {@link Type#SELECTABLE_UPDATED} event if the selectable is not terminal,
159      * or {@link Type#SELECTABLE_FINAL} if the selectable is terminal and has
160      * not already emitted a {@link Type#SELECTABLE_FINAL} event.
161      * @param selectable
162      */
163     void update(Selectable selectable);
165     /**
166      * Yields, causing the next call to {@link #process()} to return
167      * successfully - without processing any events.  If multiple calls
168      * can be made to <code>yield</code> and only the next invocation of
169      * {@link #process()} will be affected.
170      */
171     void yield() ;
173     /**
174      * @return <code>true</code> if the reactor is in quiesced state (e.g. has
175      *         no events to process).  <code>false</code> is returned otherwise.
176      */
177     bool quiesced();
179     /**
180      * Process any events pending for this reactor.  Events are dispatched to
181      * the handlers registered with the reactor, or child objects associated
182      * with the reactor.  This method blocks until the reactor has no more work
183      * to do (and no more work pending, in terms of scheduled tasks or open
184      * selectors to process).
185      * @return <code>true</code> if the reactor may have more events in the
186      *         future.  For example: if there are scheduled tasks, or open
187      *         selectors.  <code>false</code> is returned if the reactor has
188      *         (and will have) no more events to process.
189      * @throws HandlerException if an unchecked exception is thrown by one of
190      *         the handlers - it will be re-thrown attached to an instance of
191      *         <code>HandlerException</code>.
192      */
193     bool process() ;
195     /**
196      * Wakes up the thread (if any) blocked in the {@link #process()} method.
197      * This is the only method of this class that is thread safe, in that it
198      * can be used at the same time as another thread is using the reactor.
199      */
200     void wakeup();
202     /**
203      * Starts the reactor.  This method should be invoked before the first call
204      * to {@link #process()}.
205      */
206     void start();
208     /**
209      * Stops the reactor.  This method should be invoked after the last call to
210      * {@link #process()}.
211      * @throws HandlerException
212      */
213     void stop() ;
215     /**
216      * Simplifies the use of the reactor by wrapping the use of
217      * <code>start</code>, <code>run</code>, and <code>stop</code> method
218      * calls.
219      * <p>
220      * Logically the implementation of this method is:
221      * <pre>
222      *   start();
223      *   while(process()) {}
224      *   stop();
225      * </pre>
226      * @throws HandlerException if an unchecked exception is thrown by one of
227      *         the handlers - it will be re-thrown attached to an instance of
228      *         <code>HandlerException</code>.
229      */
230     void run() ;
232     /**
233      * Schedules execution of a task to take place at some point in the future.
234      * @param delay the number of milliseconds, in the future, to schedule the
235      *              task for.
236      * @param handler a handler to associate with the task.  This is notified
237      *                when the deadline for the task is reached.
238      * @return an object representing the task that has been scheduled.
239      */
240     Task schedule(int delay, Handler handler);
242     /**
243      * Creates a new out-bound connection.
244      * @param handler a handler that is notified when events occur for the
245      *                connection.  Typically the host and port to connect to
246      *                would be supplied to the connection object inside the
247      *                logic which handles the {@link Type#CONNECTION_INIT}
248      *                event via
249      *                {@link #setConnectionHost(Connection, String, int)}
250      * @return the newly created connection object.
251      * @deprecated Use {@link #connectionToHost(String, int, Handler)} instead.
252      */
253     Connection connection(Handler handler);
255     /**
256      * Creates a new out-bound connection to the given host and port.
257      * <p>
258      * This method will cause Reactor to set up a network connection to the
259      * host and create a Connection for it.
260      * @param host the host to connect to (e.g. "localhost")
261      * @param port the port used for the connection.
262      * @param handler a handler that is notified when events occur for the
263      *                connection.
264      * @return the newly created connection object.
265      */
266     Connection connectionToHost(string host, int port, Handler handler);
268     /**
269      * Set the host address used by the connection
270      * <p>
271      * This method will set/change the host address used by the Reactor to
272      * create an outbound network connection for the given Connection
273      * @param c the Connection to assign the address to
274      * @param host the address of the host to connect to (e.g. "localhost")
275      * @param port the port to use for the connection.
276      */
277     void setConnectionHost(Connection c, string host, int port);
279     /**
280      * Gets the reactor options.
281      *
282      * @return the reactor options
283      */
284     //ReactorOptions getOptions();
286     /**
287      * Get the address used by the connection
288      * <p>
289      * This may be used to retrieve the remote peer address.
290      * Note that the returned address may be in numeric IP format.
291      * @param c the Connection
292      * @return a string containing the address in the following format:
293      * <pre>
294      *   host[:port]
295      * </pre>
296      */
297     string getConnectionAddress(Connection c);
299     /**
300      * Creates a new acceptor.  This is equivalent to calling:
301      * <pre>
302      *   acceptor(host, port, null);
303      * </pre>
304      * @param host
305      * @param port
306      * @return the newly created acceptor object.
307      * @throws IOException
308      */
309   //  Acceptor acceptor(String host, int port) throws IOException;
311     /**
312      * Creates a new acceptor.  This acceptor listens for in-bound connections.
313      * @param host the host name or address of the NIC to listen on.
314      * @param port the port number to listen on.
315      * @param handler if non-<code>null</code> this handler is registered with
316      *                each new connection accepted by the acceptor.
317      * @return the newly created acceptor object.
318      * @throws IOException
319      */
320     //Acceptor acceptor(String host, int port, Handler handler)
321     //        throws IOException;
323     /**
324      * Frees any resources (such as sockets and selectors) held by the reactor
325      * or its children.
326      */
327     void free();
328 }